"For I am not ashamed of the gospel of Christ: for it is the power of God unto salvation to every one that believeth; to the Jew first, and also to the Greek." -- Romans 1:16



              Shame On This Age and On Its Lost Principles – IV      

                     Euthanasia – The Culture of Death

                             (The death pill for the old and the feeble)

My flesh and my heart faileth: but God is the strength of my heart, and my portion forever.” Psalm 73:26

Our society is deeply broken, and if we continue going down the same path we are going to continue to get the same results, of distress, despair, and degradation.   If you were to visit a hospital ward or a nursing home where terminally ill people are cared for, as one author said, “you probably would be far more disturbed than if you went through a mortuary.” The sights and the sounds would create a dip sense of pity for the dying and their loved ones. The first thing that crosses our mind is, “why all this suffering? why the almighty and merciful God allow human beings created in His image to end their days like this?” The question to our mind is, “why does not He let them die quickly and easily?

No doubt one would consider death to be a welcome friend for those people, and not a frightful foe. When we see a Christian in intense pain, we can’t help but think of the wonderful release death will bring for them. And we make petition on their behalf praying, “ Lord please call them home to be with thee. Don’t let them continue this way.”   In the olden days people were passing from this life at home instead of going through an elaborate, death-delaying ordeal in a hospital or nursing home. In those days the doctors make a visit a couple of times and leave medicine to elevate pain. Family members provided the nursing care. And all that was involved know that the end was near, and they were all calm.   And when the last goodbyes were spoken, then see the labored breathing that came when they neared the end, then that loved one is ushered (passed from this life unto the next) into eternity, by which time a few tears were shade.

Some physicians and sociologists are saying bluntly that the government should authorize specialists to do these folks a favor by giving them a quick and painless death. They point out that because of the advances of medical science millions of aged people will be living on and on. They will become intolerable burden upon society, making their death a practical necessity. Strictly speaking what they are advocating is mercy-killing, usually termed us “Euthanasia” – assisted suicide.  This way of e ding life is given many kinds of fancy names, like “gentle death”, “dignity death”, “mercy-killing” and so forth, which does not imply ( in fact avoids) that the deliberate taking of a life is involved.

We will try this matter in the light of the Scriptures:   The matter of dying (when life comes to an end) is becoming more complicated in this advanced age of medicine, science and Technology. Today the majority don’t die as simply as our grandparents and those before them did. There are those who are killed instantly by massive stroke, a heart attack, an aneurysm, or some other catastrophic events. But most people. However, die in hospital or nursing homes. And many of them go through a long period of suffering.   Not only that but a large percentage of the aged are just existing – being kept alive medically but receiving no pleasure or satisfaction out of life.                                                                                                                      The medication just prolongs their days along with their pains. They are kept in a hospital or in a nursing home some for months and even years! Kept alive, while no doubt made as comfortable as possible. The family members, and their relatives remembering what they were like when they were well – a shadow of the men they once were are grieved every time they see them. Now they are no use to themselves or to anyone else! Their families continue to be in agony!   If they are Christians, they know that death is far better than continued existence on earth. Yet they feel an obligation to extend life as long as possible. The unbeliever too may think of death as better than their present situation (suffering from endless pain). They may even wonder why something can’t be done to hasten its onset.                                 Across the nation and in much of the western world, medial scientists and sociologists are urging their governments for legislation to permit doctors to terminate life under some circumstances. These includes: helplessly deformed or mentally incompetent children; grownups incompetent because of illness or accidents.; and terminally ill people who desire relief from intense pain and sufferings.

It appears that most people, even many non-believers are not comfortable with the proposal that put human life on the same level as that of farm animals. The supposed parallel sending cows to the slaughterhouse when their milk production falls of and putting a person to death because he/she can no longer make a meaningful contribution to society is not valid.    It is wise to recall what happened in Germany under Hitler. The Nazis started out destroying only helplessly deformed and mentally incompetent, but gradually that was extended to a wider circle to include all who might be classified as a detriment to society, and they end up executing millions of people. Once we give in to the notion of those who measure an individual’s right to live by his value to society, then there is no telling where this evil will stop.

Believers have even a more basic and higher reason for opposing Euthanasia.   The Scriptures teach that our right to live is a God-given privilege. He made us, and allowed us to live on this earth. Therefore, He alone has the authority to determine the day of our death. True we may be unable to understand why He allows a loved one to continue living in a comma. Even we ourselves may be afflicted with chronic diseases that gives us so much pain and distress that we long for death. But under no circumstance will we have the right to ask for a lethal does of medicine or poison. If a doctor or loved one should grant us this request, he would become guilty of murder – and we would be committing suicide!

Beloved, we walk a narrow line here. We must trust God , no matter what happens. It is not because of anything of wrong doing , but it is simply the will of God for us to go through that way; which in the end will work out for His glory!! We must exercise faith, realizing that we will not fully see God’s purpose until we reach heaven. Pains and sufferings of great magnitude come even when the believer is in the center of God’s will.   Yes, this kind of patience does not come about easily. But if we will exercise it, we will learn many lessons. We will obtain spiritual benefits which will more than compensate for our distress.

Recently we have heard about what is termed as “passive-euthanasia”– which is the omission or discontinuation of the use of respirators, heart simulators, or other life-supporting equipments and procedures. How can one accept Euthanasia, “mercy-killing” as passive is beyond any person of rational mind, let alone a believer who believes in the sanctity of human life Now, we believe the decision to omit, or discontinue the use of extraordinary life-supporting procedures should be strictly under control, and should never be made hastily; and not at all be made legislatively.

The patient may ask for it when it is not justified;  the family members or relatives may demand it; letting their emotions overtake them;   This important decision must be made from consultation among doctors, the patient (provided he/she is rational) and their loved ones.  Yes, the biblical view of human life, and common sense are the ingredients of good decision.

  • if an aged man with an inoperable conditions plus organ failures doesn’t want a lot of needles, tubes, and machines, his desire should be honored.

  • If the doctor can see that the respirators, heart simulators, and intravenous feedings will do nothing but prolong the misery of the patient for few more weeks, he will probably discuss the matter with the family.

  • If keeping the patient in a comma would show no meaningful sign of recovery for extended period of time; and if there is no reasonable expectation of recovery from the illness or injury especially because of old age and other circumstances.

In such a situation they will do nothing more than make the ailing person as comfortable as possible until his last breath. This simply is a sensible way to allow a gentle death. Give the patient the best nursing he could be given.   Yes, the combination of common sense and compassion by conscientious doctor and the family will lead them to make a good decisions.   They will know when to use extraordinary life-sustaining measures. They will also approve the use of pain-relieving and quitting drugs, even though they know these medicines may hasten the onset of death.

As the soldiers saying goes, “every day above the ground is a good day!”   Every added day of life presents God with another opportunity to work a miracle. We all have heard of some patients who amazed the doctors by getting well. Therefore we have a duty to hold out to the very end with the expectation of a special healing miracle.  Indeed some people do surprise the doctors and recover. But who knows the use of extraordinary means played any part in their recovery. If we are honest with the Scriptures and human experience, we know that wonders and signs like those recorded in the book of Acts are rare. For all practical purposes they have ceased. After all if God wills to heal, He will do so all to His honor and glory!!

The alarming trend of Euthanasia:  But then we see the scary trend of this assisted suicide being extended beyond and above what it was first intended to. It is so amazing how humans are capable of adjusting to almost anything! It started with a compassionate idea of helping the aged and the terminally ill of the feeble.  Physically healthy, 17 years old girl in the Netherlands choose to be euthanized because of severe depression and emotional pain? As reported this girl was euthanized after battling “with depression after being molested as a young child.”  We have heard scores of stories from childhood victims of sexual abuse, some of them unbearably painful just to hear, let alone experience.

Surely one can not overstate the devastating damage caused by abuse (sexual or otherwise), especially when the victim is a minor. Incident of this type can totally destroy someone’s life leading to depression, substance abuse, self harm (including suicide) or deviant and destructive forms of behavior.  Thankfully some of these victims had come to know Christ as their personal savior and had found hope.  We live in a culture that allows physically healthy children as young as 12 to choose euthanasia as long as they have the parental consent and a doctor’s recommendation.

Victims of this nature in their mind are fighting a losing battle against their pain, and see no  possible way of escape. The only difference between thousands of young people who commit suicide and those who are euthanized is that they choose to do it through a government system. It is that system that must be criticized, and sound the alarm.  Such is a system that does not rally around a victim and say, “ One way or the other we will find a way to help you. Yes, one way or the other we will get to the rout of your agony and pain and find a lasting cure.”  Instead the system says, “ if you are deeply depressed and utterly hopeless, the solution is death. By that all your trouble will go away.”

This is how human beings are treated these days. We put them to sleep, like dogs, and horses, because their emotional pain is deemed insufferable.  Euthanasia has become a common way to die in many countries like the Netherlands and around the globe. And the sad and alarming truth is that the request are increasing from people who are not terminally ill. In 2002, the Netherlands became the first country in the world that made it legal for doctors to help people die. Both Euthanasia, where doctors actively kill patients, and assisted suicide, where physicians prescribe patients a lethal dose of drugs are allowed.

The people of God raised concerns about the growing trend toward euthanasia, saying, “Many of these are old people who may have health problems, but none of them are life-threatening. Yes, they are old, they can’t get around, …..”  This kind of trend cries out for alarm. Do we think their lives are still worthwhile? Is this what we want? All the more we must ask questions about the meaning and value of life. Are there no better solutions than physician- assisted suicide?   There is of course, the gospel answer, in which the Lord heals the broken hearted. There is also the societal answer which says, “ we care about you too much as friends and family to let you die.”  We need to stand back and do some serious soul searching, as more and more people open the door to Euthanasia!

“Death with dignity,”  under the new law, “ obtaining or administering life-ending medication is not suicide under the federal (provincial) law.” which effectively legalize it!   Many incidents from euthanasia, have surfaced how the physician-assisted suicide targets the vulnerable, as the standard for eligibility is “unbearable and untreatable suffering,” which has come to include psychological suffering. This includes conditions such as depression and dementia.

The bad and sad news remains, that we will do nothing to roll back this culture of death.  The talk about protecting vulnerable people from euthanasia once the cat is out of the bag is just that, talk!! once we concede that some lives are not worth living, then euthanasia isn’t nor has it ever been about eliviating suffering. It is about the “right” to live or die as you choose, and the advancement of a culture of death.

As one commentator said, “ after all it only took Belgium eight short years to go from euthanizing terminal cancer patient to killing people who, under different circumstances, might be working in Silicon valley.

In conclusion, we can not condone mercy-killing in any form. But we are at the same time under no obligation to use every means available in every circumstance to stretch out life as long as we possibly can. We may not understand why the Lord permits some people to suffer deep and lasting pain, but we have no right to ask the doctor to give them a lethal does of some drug. Nor is the one living in continual agony justified in asking for an overdose of medication. We must let God terminate life. He alone has that prerogative.

Death is the last enemy to be destroyed; the ultimate enemy for the child of God. We who have placed our faith and trust in Christ Jesus our Lord should not fear it.  This mortal foe is already defeated by the resurrection of our Lord from the graved triumphing over death!! Death will come to us as a messenger from the other shore to close our eyes; and the Lord will lead us through the valley from this world into glory; and we will emerge on the golden shore of heaven.   Therefore you should go through life neither fear death nor desiring it!! May it be the cry of our heart as with the apostle Paul, “For me to live is Christ, and to die is gain.” (Philippians 1:21)


                                                       To Be Continued…………………………………

The Peoples Gospel Hour Staff





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The Bible reveals two ways which people are following to get into heaven. One way, the true way, is God’s way. God’s way into heaven is the way of peace and truth and righteousness. It is the only way approved of God. This way centers in the Lord Jesus Christ who said: “I am the way, the truth, and the life: no man cometh unto the Father, but by Me” (John 14:6). The Bible declares that there is another way. “There is a way which seemeth right unto a man, but the end thereof are the ways of death” (Prov. 14:12).

There are so many popular ways today filled with lost multitudes all over the land, such as the way of morality, the way of respectability, the way of religion, the way of churchianity, the way of baptism, the way of christening, the way of confirmation, the way of penance, the way of confession, the way of “doing the best I can”, the way of self, the way of education, the way of philosophy, the way of false isms and cults that crowd the street. Little wonder then when we speak to people about the way of salvation, that so many have asked, “How can I know which is the true way? There are so many different ideas and so many religions.”

But there is ONE difference between God’s way of salvation and man’s way, and that difference is found in a Person, the Lord Jesus Christ. You will notice that man leaves Christ out of the center of his way. You will discover that the modern false cults and isms demote Christ to a mere man and add something to what He has already done for your salvation and mine. We become children of God through a supernatural birth. Jesus said to Nicodemus: “Except a man be born again, he cannot see the kingdom of God” (John 3:3). Jesus also said, “Marvel not that I said unto thee, Ye must be born again” (John 3:7)

“May the Lord bless you, and make you a blessing!”  – The PGH Staff.


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